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  • African villagers with a box of solar light equipment. Disseminating electrification units (6/17/2024) - Last week we finally disseminated the solar panels across all of the involved groups in the selected village. The experience was extremely eye opening, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The social responsibility aspect of the project kicked in at this stage to a great degree. We decided to approach the project with the most simplistic… Read More »Disseminating electrification units
  • View from a small, worn, wooden boat in a narrow channel of brown water with sticks on the mud banks and tall trees on each side. Deciding on the location (6/1/2024) - The first week we visited the village called Mkuranga as a potential location for the execution of the project. We trekked across the path that led to Mkuranga which ended up being a 5-hour trip riddled with terrible road conditions. Thanks to the car we had, we were able to make it through. We went… Read More »Deciding on the location


Does better technology guarantee economic growth and benefits to the recipient? That is the question this project is based on. Through this project – titled the JuaJamii initiative – I aim to supply a remote village with 12 solar electrification systems and 10 water filtration units in order to assess any and all benefits these new technologies bring to the village in question over a 10 week period.

I wanted to do this because I have always had a great interest in energy and how it can facilitate economic growth in the rural areas of Africa. I have long thought of ways to invent a fintech system that would facilitate this economic growth in an equitable but financially viable method and have always wanted to spur on economic growth in my country.

Project creator:

Dennis Mboya

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